Molding Innovation with YIZUMI Molding Innovation with YIZUMI

Molding Innovation with YIZUMI

YIZUMI machines redefine the standards of material transformation, catering to diverse industrial needs. From plastic to metal, rubber to thixotropic materials, our technology is the cornerstone of your innovative projects. Embrace YIZUMI’s excellence, where every idea achieves its ultimate form.

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Product Overview

Industry Overview

High-speed Packaging
Home Appliance


Lightweight, flexibility, and safety that the traditional injection molding process can hardly fulfill have become the trend of automotive manufacturing. New application solutions are emerging to meet these requirements.111



High-speed Packaging

YIZUMI's plastic injection molding machines cater to a range of packaging needs, from small medical containers to large food tubs. As your trusted partner, YIZUMI offers custom, high-speed solutions for the strict demands of this industry.


High-speed Packaging

Home Appliance

The home appliance industry is witnessing a shift towards smart, energy-efficient products from traditional devices.
Emerging technologies enable these appliances to interact, enhancing usability and efficiency, thus redefining modern living.


Home Appliance


The electronics industry is rapidly advancing with a need for compact, high-speed solutions. Traditional practices struggle to keep pace. The rise of new manufacturing methods is addressing these challenges, merging miniaturization with enhanced functionality to meet consumer demand effectively.




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